Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fam Holiday (Part 1)

So, we just got back from a week & a half holidaying up North. We head up this way at least once a year to see Gareth's family. It's an epic 8 hours away so it's definitely not something we can do all that often. Fortunately, Gareth's Mum lives on the beach & the weather was nice to us. Isobel actually got to run about in the surf barefoot which is something unheard of down in the Naki in the wintertime. That girl LOVES the water, we couldn't keep her out of it until she fell in headfirst on the third day. From then onwards she approached it with a little more caution which I'll admit was kind of a relief.
It was nice seeing her play with her little cousins & it was good to be out of Taranaki for a little while. I always enjoy our roadtrips. Isobel is such a great traveller so it isn't that much of a drama to go away. However, we did come to realise that a holiday is not for rest & relaxation when you have a toddler!
These pics are taken at Matapouri in the first couple of days at Gareth's Mums house.


"pebble beach exploration"




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