Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New year

I've been reading alot of New Year posts today...It's funny how everyone feels the same way at the start of a New year. Refreshed, focused & looking forward...
A few goals for me this year include the usual: live & eat healthier, this also comes with an additional goal to become a runner. This means letting go of my attitude about women who run with prams...I've brought a new pram that I can run with & I'm going to become one of these ladies. I would love to do a half marathon but we'll see. I've also got a few mini goals like putting more effort into my hair & clothes. I'm going to try & start up painting again, I struggle with not having my own space for this but I might try setting up a little mini studio in the garage.

We're in this house for another year so I'm working on changing it around a little & adding some cute things about the place. This also includes working on my first crochet rug for our bedroom.

We had a huge year last year with ALOT of upheaval. We had a baby, shifted towns, went through a few jobs, started studying...we finally feel settled in New Plymouth & are looking forward to a quiet year enjoying our little girl & whatever this town has to offer.
Gareth got into the Social work degree so he'll be working hard & no doubt there will be a few struggles along the way.

But that's what life is about really isn't it?

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