Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas traditions

We've always been big on Xmas in my family. I have memories of sleeping under the tree on Xmas eve, travelling half an hour to pick out our tree out every year, wearing a new outfit on Xmas day, spending time with extended family & eating good food.
As the years have gone by & we've grown up a little we still manage to make our way down to our family & have breakfast pancakes with Mum, Xmas lunch with Dad, Boxing Day with Mum's family. I still look forward to & get excited about it.
Last year, Isobel was young & we were in limbo: living at Dad's & such so we didn't bother with anything but the norm. This year, I'm eager to start our own traditions with Isobel. Ultimately we're responsible for making & building up her own excitement & expectation for such family traditions.
So, we went to Santa's Choice & picked out our own tree, decorated it & watched her little eyes light up at all the sparkle. She pointed & yelled "what is this?". She's been pretty good really, we've had no disasters yet.
I've got a stocking full of goodies for her & one big present...I don't want Xmas to be all about the gifts.
We'll have all the normal things at Mum & Dads but early Xmas morning is just for us.
Our little family, the little family I adore & couldn't live without.

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